Tag: What’s up with that?

  • Did they really do that?

    Come on really. Do you have to make your truck a lowrider? Maybe do it to an older mazda pickup truck or a really old ford or chev. But a newer model dualley.  I don’t know what to say about what I saw yesterday and on my way home from work. There it was a…

  • No More Sunday Poll

    It appears that the Poll to pick the next Sexy Sunday girl has not been working. There just isn’t enough votes to keep make the poll week after week. There is a lot of work involved to setting up the poll, uploading the pictures, making the thumbnails, putting the links together to insert in to…

  • Beer Goggles for Women?

    Dr Kirsten Oinonen from the University of Lakehead conducted a study to see the affect drinking alcohol would have on a woman’s ability to determine the attractiveness of the opposite sex. The findings, apparently women also have beer goggles and even when they are sober their perception could still be affected. Dr Oinonen’s research studied…

  • Dumpster Donut Fingers

    Image via Wikipedia I was on my way to work one morning, oh at about 3:30am.  I work at a day to day staffing agency and we open our office at 5:00 am.  Most of  employees are homeless and transient people, which is quite interesting.  You meet so many different people, some are a little…

  • A Hero in You

    I had one of those defining moments in life the other day, a moment, an instance where you peer a little deeper into yourself and get a better understanding of who you are. I have often wondered what my reaction would be if I saw a guy strike a lady or child, or a mugger…

  • Top 10 Post Of 200

    We have now reached 200 post. So I decided to give a list of the top 10 post over the last 200 post. Top 10 The Good The Bad The Ugly 50 Phrases you wish you could say at work To All Employees 10 Quotes to Remember The Power of Stumble Upon Only In Canada…

  • Bathroom Behavior

    It has been awhile since I contributed to this site and it’s not because I’m overwhelmed at work and don’t have the time.  Nor is it because I was on vacation and wasn’t around a computer.  It was neither of those things, it is simply because I am lazy. Oh am I lazy, habitually.  When…

  • Hook up the wagon, we’re going to the neigbours.

    I wonder how or if the rest of the world can comprehend how much free space we have in Canada and how modest our population really is in numbers compared to the land mass area of the country itself. I mean for arguments sake Russia and Canada are in the same size bracket for land…

  • Paris Runs For President?

    See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die Related articles by Zemanta Paris Does Politics Paris Hilton Responds To McCain Paris Strikes Back Paris Hilton Takes on McCain, the Presidency and Global Warming The Paris Hilton Campaign Commercial: Funny or Die Finally Has Another Hit

  • I’m here to do something.

    I wonder sometimes about the meaning of life, one person’s own life’s destiny. Some people do great things are remembered through the sands of time while other’s lead incredibly unremarkable lives and are never known. Not in their present day and then they are certainly forgotten almost immediately following death, sometimes even sooner than that.…