Tag: The Player Guide
How To Date Multiple Women
In order for us men to commit to any 1 particular woman we need to have a good understanding of everything that’s out there. This being said, having sex with a lot of women simultaneously is a great way to get that understanding. Don’t make the mistake of dating a small amount of women exclusively…
Night Out Game Plan
Recently, a lot of fellow bro’s have asked me about bar and club game and if I’ve got any pointers worth sharing. It’s only natural that I would write an article about it. To try to mix them all in, because club and bar game can be completely different, I want to focus on the…
The Top 7 Male Jobs That Women Find Attractive
I’ve been constantly discussing the fact that, what you do, as a job, isn’t really important as long as you have game but, at some point into the conversation she will want to know exactly what you occupy your time with. If you want to rack up some extra points make sure you tell her…
6 Date Wrecking Activities You Need To Stay Clear Of
Ever been on a date, felt like a good time but then she never replied to your calls? Don’t despair, it happens to all of us. It’s usually because you’re doing some of the following date wrecking activities. Next time you go out, make sure you stay clear of them and things should work in…
Biggest Turnoffs For Women
I usually write a lot about how to meet women, how to go on dates and how to get those dates to end in bed. Sure, for some men that’s enough, but what happens to the ones that want more? Do relationships just happen? Last week I was having a conversation with a good friend…
Why Shouldn’t You Go on Dates and How This Get’s You a Girlfriend
I will be very blunt here…dates should be an exclusive privilege to girls that actually deserve it. Their worth is established by a number of things: 1. She is having sex with you 2. The sex is good 3. You have feelings for her 4. She’s interested in you, not your money/friends/influence etc When a…