Tag: Romance

  • Setting up a Romantic Bathroom Environment

    The bathroom, next to your kitchen, is probably one of the most functional rooms in the house, but it can also prove to be your favorite refuge if you take the time to dress it up properly.  If you are in the process of renovation, this can mean that your fixtures and colors can be…

  • Bingo: How to Know When You’ve Found Your Soul Mate

    The crazy world of relationships can be hard to navigate, to say the least. Unfortunately, there is no fool-proof roadmap you can follow that will direct the way to the person with whom you are supposed to spend your life. It is inevitable, when you make yourself available on the dating scene, that you open…

  • 7 Warning Signs That She is Not Interested in You Anymore

    To break up a relationship is a harder decision when we talk about a long term one. In most cases when woman is no longer interested in a relationship she doesn’t want to be the one to end it.

  • Affordable Valentine’s Ideas

    Image via Wikipedia Valentine’s day is just around the corner. For many people money is tight and it’s hard not to get discouraged by how commercialized it has become. It seems Company’s are telling you that the only present worth getting is jewellery, but don’t listen to them. You can still do something sweet for…