Tag: Penis
That’s Never Happened to Me Before, I Swear!
Young Guys Get ED Too. Because most men learn about genital function and male sexuality by trial and error, they generally don’t get the memo that explains, “Your penis is a reliable barometer of your physical and psychological health.” Unruly as it seems, a penis is a delicate instrument. You know how quickly and accurately…
85 Penis Size “Facts”
After all this, you must be more than ready for the penis size “facts”. Note: When it says “men” or “women” then that is what it says, otherwise it would say “all men” or “all women”. So think about this before making a comment. There are exceptions to everything in life… Enjoy! 1. If you…
The 4 Hour Erection: Pain Not Pleasure
If you own a television there is a good chance you have seen one of those commercials advertising that little blue pill or a number of other erectile dysfunction pills. You have probably also heard that you should consult a doctor if you have various symptoms one including an erection lasting longer then 4 hours.…