Tag: heart
Protect Your Heart and Live to 100 Tips 91-100
91. Swallow phytosterols and phytostanols: These substances are derived from pine trees. They can lower your bad cholesterol levels by 10-15%. 92. Buy OJ fortified with calcium: Increasing your calcium intake can reduce your blood pressure. The vitamin C will also lower your risk of dying from heart disease up to 40%. 93. Eat pumpkin…
Protect Your Heart and Live to 100 Tips 81-90
81. Add Vitamin E: Vitamin E combined with blood thinners can reduce the plaque in your arteries by up to 80%. 82. Beat the heat with cold grapes: Eating cold grapes can provide you with artery protection similar to when you drink a glass of wine. 83. Ditch fad diets: When your weight fluctuates it…
Protect Your Heart and Live to 100 Tips 71-80
71. Know what’s in your arteries: Get your doctor to perform a C-reactive protein blood test. This will help them determine your heart disease risk. 72. Sleep in the quiet: People who don’t have a quiet sleep and are exposed to at least 55 decibels of sound like a washing machine or coffee percolator suffer…
Protect Your Heart and Live to 100 Tips 61-70
61. Have Sex: Men who have sex at least twice a week lower the risk of stroke. Having sex may also lower your risk of heart disease. 62. Take Monday Off: Taking a few days off of work every now and then can reduce heart attack and stroke risk by up to 30 %. 63.…
Protect Your Heart and Live to 100 Tips 51-60
51. Get yourself a dog: The attention given to a dog whether good or bad allows your heart to become adaptable helping you to deal with stress which could lead to heart disease. 52. Stay warm: Cold spells can decrease the temperature by 18 degrees from one day to another can increase the heart attack…
Protect Your Heart and Live to 100 Tips 41-50
41. Eat beans: Beans are full of fibre and folate which lowers homocysteine. People who consume 4 or more servings of beans a week cut their risk of developing heart disease by 22% compared to those who had one or less servings of beans. 42. Order takeout: Indian and Chinese takeout are full of heart…
Protect Your Heart and Live to 100 Tips 31-40
31. Schedule your flu shot: People who have vaccinated themselves against the flu have a 19% less chance of being hospitalized for heart disease then people who haven’t gotten their shots. 32: Drink water: When you drink five or more 8 ounce glasses of water daily you can lower your risk of heart disease for…
Protect Your Heart and Live to 100 Tips 21-30
21. Decaffeinate: Caffeine raises blood pressure and speeds up your heart rate. Which can push a borderline heart problem to a dangerous limit. 22. Trade in the salt: Overweight men who consumed high amounts of salt are 61% more likely to die of heart disease. 23: Have a drink every other day: A study in…
Protect Your Heart and Live to 100 Tips 11-20
11. Grill a steak: Though you may think it is bad for you beef can actually be healthy. It contains selenium which boosts immunity. It also contains B vitamins which lower homocysteine. 50% of the fat is also healthy monounsaturated fat. 12. Watch a scary movie: Do anything that will cause your heart to race…
Protect Your Heart and Live to 100 Tips 1-10
1. Drink Cranberry Juice: Scientists at Scranton University found that men who drank 3 – 8 ounce glasses a day for a month increased their good cholesterol levels by 10 percent cutting their risk of heart disease risk by 40%. Make sure you buy 100 % juice with at least 27% cranberry. 2. Eat Breakfast:…