Tag: Family Guy
Family Guy Quotes 13
Chris (talking to Peter): You’re just running away from your troubles by being here! Peter: What are you talking about? Meg’s right here. Lois: I’ve seen that crappy Julia Roberts movie forty-seven times. Have you seen the lips on that woman? Like a baboons ass on her face. Lois: Nurse this woman is in labour!…
Family Guy Quotes 12
(Peter and Brian are setting up a crib for the expected baby.) Brian: Insert Rod A into Rod Support B. Peter: That’s what she– Brian: If you say that’s what she said one more time I’m gonna pop you. <p class=”note”>Brian: Gosh, I’d like to help you, Peter, but I’ve got to go out into…
Family Guy Quotes 11
Vanessa: Chris you have to put your parents into a home! Don’t you ever want to inherit this Fu**ing house?!? Chris: Now Vanessa, don’t swear around Pablo. Vanessa: Oh that little shit’s from Guam or something. He probably only speaks Spanish. Stewie (Pablo): Hey “Nessa”—a bullet sounds the same in every language so stuff a…
Family Guy Quotes 10
Lois: Brian, you’re not wearing that sweater I made you. Brian: Well, y’know it’s a little warm in here… Lois: Don we now our gay apparel! Brian: It doesn’t get much gayer than this. Chris: Dad you should invent the frisbee, that’s an awesome toy. Meg: Chris, the frisbee is already invented. Chris: Then how…
Family Guy Quotes 9
Tom Tucker: Well Diane, there’s something you’re gonna have to get use to. Men running away from you. Diane Simmons: Shut up Tom, you’re so far in the closet you’re finding Christmas presents. Trisha Takanawa: For many, this charred portrait of Elizabeth II gives poignant new meaning to the phrase, “Hey check out that flaming…
Family Guy Quotes 8
Chris: When I stick this army guy with the sharp bayonet up my nose, it tickles my brain. Hah ha ha…. ow. Oh, now I don’t know math. Brian: I would take my sweater off too, but I think it’s attached to my skin. Lois: Kids your grandfathers ears are not gross and they are…
Family Guy Quotes 7
Peter: First of all Bonnie, you have been pregnant for like 6 years! Are you gonna have the baby or not? Meg: I can’t believe my stupid parents are going to follow around stupid old KISS, it’s painful. Peter: Not half as painful as a tire iron upside your head. Meg: What? Peter: I’ll miss…
Family Guy Quotes 6
Trisha Takanawa: Diane, I am standing outside that Park Barrington Hotel because they don’t allow Asians inside. Joe: Maybe Peter took the trophy, he wanted it all along. Peter: I couldn’t have taken in, I was to busy breakin’ into Joe’s garage stealin’ his ladder so I could steal the trophy tonight. Lois: Peter! Peter:…
Family Guy Quotes 5
Tom Tucker: A bit of breaking news. A local family is forced out of their home by ghosts. Who are they going to call? Diana Simmons: (sighs): Ghostbusters, Tom. Tom Tucker: No, Diane. Their insurance company. That’s just stupid what you said. Social Worker: “Glen honey, I got a question for you. What do you…
Family Guy Quotes 4
Peter talking to the camera:…but I’ll tell you what’s not cool-killing strippers. Strippers are people too; naked people who may be willing to pleasure you for a price you negotiate later behind the curtain of a VIP room. Besides, there’s no reason to kill them, ‘cause most of them are already dead inside… Good night,…