Tag: Entertainment
Considering a Home Theater Projection System? Do it!
Have you ever gone to the movie theater and wished that you could replicate that feeling of actually being a part of the movie that you have when you’re seeing it in the theater? Of course you have! Installing a home theater projector in your own living room might not exactly duplicate the movie theater…
And There were Two
Final Four of Spring Madness. Its down to Elisha Cuthbert versus Jessica Alba . Vote now. You can pick the winner. Final Two Vote Now!
Final Four
So we started out with 64 of the Maxim’s Hot 100. Now we are left with four. Final Four of Spring Madness. Its down to Elisha Cuthbert versus Evan Mendes and Jessica Biel versus Jessica Alba. Vote now. You can pick the winner. Final Two Vote Now!
Spring Madness Has Started.
Spring Madness has started. Here you can find Links to all of the essential pages. Spring Madness Start Page Round One (64) March 19 -20 Round has ended. Round Two (32) March 21-22 Round has ended. Round Three (16) March 23-27 Round has ended. Round Four (8) March 28-31 Round has ended. Round Five (4)April 1-3…
Rare Frank Zappa Pictures
Three rare pictures of Frank Zappa taken on December 5 1975. It was shot backstage during a show in London Ontario. The pictures were taken by one of Frank’s roadies. My friend Lorne’s girlfriend gave her camera to the roadie to go back stage and take the pictures. What great pictures of a brilliant artist. Too…