Tag: baseball
The World Series of Winter Driving: How to Stay Safe on Slick Roads
With the World Series in full swing, it’s time to start thinking about winter driving again. Here are some tips and suggestions to improve vehicle safety during the winter months.
Back to the Diamond
What do you do when you feel someone in a position of authority is taking advantage of you? Do you sit back feeling that you are powerless to do anything about it or do you take matters into your own hands regardless of the consequences? In a Class AAA State championship high school baseball game…
Playing Softball
Growing up in the town I grew up in we didn’t play baseball. We played fastball. Whip-pitch, windmill ,big ball, softball whatever your name for it it wasn’t baseball, but it’s all we had so I played it. I was a pitcher and played first base in my teenage pinnacle years. As a pitcher I…
Cal Ripken’s Real Baseball
For the month of April and May I have committed myself to writing for an online video game. As it is I broke my thumb almost 4 months ago and it doesn’t bend very much yet, It just stays straight like some crazed terminal hitchhiker. My days believing that if I just put out the…