Category: Hosting
Problems with my blog
Recently I noticed that a lot of my links are no longer working. Also my feed is not working. This is all due to me using a free hosting service. They have made .htaccess a paid service now and when they activated or deactivated this service my links no longer work. Maybe this is a…
Chip In and Help Out
I was browsing TechCrunch the other day and found an interesting program. Chip In. The post described how you can put an application on facebook. ChipIn on Facebook supports existing Facebook events or can be used separately with ChipIn created events. Creation of new “ChipIn’s” is simple, the ChipIn Widget can be customized using photos…
Database Error.
Hi I encountered a Database error. I am currently trying to fix the problem. It appears that I lost some data. My host ran out of disk space. Causing me to lose some of my post.
Free or Not
Currently I am using a free host for my blog. But should I invest in some paid hosting. I have no idea if traffic will ever increase. Who will read this? I don’t know. I guess the free hosting is adequate for now. It is doing everything I need it too. Sometimes it appears to…
Dirty hits the town
Last night I stepped into the mind of Gwen Stefani. She feed off the crowds awesome energy and delighted us with the many figments of her own imagination. Calgary obviously loves Gwen Stefani and her artistic views. Lets not forget that Akon had everyone on there feet at this sold out show. Thanks for an…
Where is Everyone Going?
I was driving the other day and traffic was backed up. It was raining pretty hard and some streets are flooding. So I am waiting patiently for traffic to move. But there is always people that don’t want to wait and move ahead and try to butt into line. Like really they are just pissing…
Ads or Weather?
Advertising it getting way out of control. I like many get work outdoors and checking the weather before work is important. I used to be able to turn on the Weather Channel and check out the weather. Now it seems that commercials dominate over relaying the weather. I am guessing that there are alot of…