Another Free Linkback

EzineBlog.ORG is offering a Page Rank 5 linkback and Technorati Top 100 linkback. All you have to do is write a review like this one and link back to the promotion page.

EzineBlog.ORG is completely user driven and ad-free. There stories about Entertainment, Politics, the Military and Technology. So go check out EzineBlog.ORG and browseall the interesting post and comments. And maybe get some link love also.






4 responses to “Another Free Linkback”

  1. Joe Justin Avatar

    Nice site! I was looking at the ezineblog site and it has a zero page rank. Where are the page rank 5 backlink comming from?

    1. Dave Avatar

      Joe thanks for pointing that out to me. I never really checked.
      Ahh, now what do I do?

  2. MyBlogContest Avatar

    Check out for more blog contest info.