Month: March 2009
Parmesan Chicken
Serves 4 Ingredients: 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts 1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs (Italian is tasty) 1/4 grated parmesan cheese 1/2 tsp basil 1 egg 1 tbsp butter 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 can of your favourite tomato sauce 4 slices of mozzarella cheese Directions: In a large pan heat the butter and oil Flatten…
Dealing With Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s foot is a type of fungus that is found within the moist spaces between the toes and sometimes on other parts of the foot. If you think you may have athlete’s foot look for these symptoms; itching, stinging, burning, excessive dryness along the sides and bottom of your feet and cracking and peeling of…
Spring Madness Has Started.
Spring Madness has started. Here you can find Links to all of the essential pages. Spring Madness Start Page Round One (64) March 19 -20 Round has ended. Round Two (32) March 21-22 Round has ended. Round Three (16) March 23-27 Round has ended. Round Four (8) March 28-31 Round has ended. Round Five (4)April 1-3…
Family Guy Quotes 7
Peter: First of all Bonnie, you have been pregnant for like 6 years! Are you gonna have the baby or not? Meg: I can’t believe my stupid parents are going to follow around stupid old KISS, it’s painful. Peter: Not half as painful as a tire iron upside your head. Meg: What? Peter: I’ll miss…
Crazy Laws 13
In Mississippi it is illegal to shoot a squirrel in a courtroom. In Los Angeles, customers in meat markets are prohibited from poking a turkey to see how tender it is. In Burnaby all dogs must be controlled by 10 pm or owners will be penalized. In Connecticut it is a misdemeanour to keep more…
Spring Madness is Coming
Indeed Spring Madness is coming. We decided here at Malewail to make a giant poll in honor of NCAA March Madness. There will be a poll to represent each round of the March Madness Tournament. 64 Drop Dead Gorgeous Women One Single Elimination Tournament One Overall Champion Who Will You Pick? Polls start on Thursday…
New Releases March 17, 2009
Image via Wikipedia New release listings for Blu-ray and Playstation 3. Blu-ray Hounddog (Hannover House) Lady Death: The Motion Picture (A.D. Vision) National Lampoon’s Van Wilder: Freshman Year (Lionsgate) The Princess Bride (MGM) Punisher: War Zone (Lionsgate) Quo Vadis (Warner) The Robe (1953) (Fox) Seven Pounds (Sony) South Park: The Complete Twelfth Season (Paramount)…
Money Saving Tips 46-50
Use the 10 second rule. Whenever you are in the grocery store or any store use the 10 second rule. That means if you pick something up to put in your cart look at it and think for 10 seconds and ask yourself why I am buying this? Do I need this? If you really…
Sexy Sunday 71
Elisha Cuthbert Elisha Cuthbert was born in Calgary Alberta in 1982. Her angelic looks led to modeling and it wasn’t long before she was posing for numerous advertisements. Elisha grew up in Montreal and began to take an interest in acting. She first appeared on Are You Afraid of the Dark. Her comfort in front…
Tasty Chicken Fingers
Serves 8 Ingredients: 6 skinless boneless chicken breast halves cut into 1/2 inch strips 1 egg, beaten 1 cup buttermilk 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup seasoned bread crumbs 1 tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder 1 quart oil for frying Directions: Place strips in a large resealable bag. Mix…