Take The Plunge

We know this sounds crazy—a site about “wedding planning,” for men? Written by men? Really?

Really. And here’s the even crazier thing: it’s good.  Enter ThePlunge.com. For the first time, someone’s written about grooms, engagements, and weddings from an authentic guy’s point of view.

You won’t find crap on florists or stationary. Instead, the articles cover things like how to deal with her In-Laws, what counts as cheating at your bachelor party, and whether you should push for a Pre-Nup. There’s also an “Ask the Expert” section that looks surprisingly helpful.

Other topics include:

How to pop the question

Dealing with cold feet on wedding day

Battling hangovers

Groomsmen responsibilities

Bachelor party destinations

…you get the idea.  Check it out yourself at ThePlunge.com.


2 responses to “Take The Plunge”

  1. Tracy McLaughlin Avatar

    Well, at least the site looks good, my experience has to do with guys not really being interested in that sort of things 😉 Maybe that will change?

  2. Des Avatar

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