So Far So Good

Blogging is so interesting. I have been caught up reading so many blogs, the information is overwhelming. There are so many blog about making money online, SEO Tips, blogging tips and so on and so on. I can’t read them all. And when it comes to writing post, I have so many ideas I can’t seem to get anything posted. I really need to follow John Chow’s advice from this post Five Things To Do When You Have Nothing To Blog About. Or the advice from Daily Web Ideas, How To Get Around Writers Block. I guess I can be writing reviews to get linkbacks Like I have in these two post; Free ReviewMe from Cash for Comments or Read John Chow Make Money Online. Or I can be entering contest like I did in these post; Evil Blog Contest at John Chow dot Com or Win a Microsoft une 30gb. Too bad I never won either of those contest. I guess better luck next time. There are so many things to write post about, contest to enter and Linkback scams to be involved in. I really need to focus and write quality post so I can get an audience. And with out the Audience it is pointless to be blogging. Someday’s I have really good ideas to write about and think why would anyone want to read this. I guess if I don’t write the post nobody can read it and I would never know.



