Read John Chow, Make Money Online.

When I first decided to learn about making money online online I found John Chow dot Com. I was intrigued with the information he posted. Some of the post that got me interested are:

John’s writing style is concise, too the point, full of information and entertaining. Many ideas on how to monetize your blog and to drive traffic to your site. One of the best ways to increase traffic to your blog is to enter John’s Review My Blog for a free linkback promotion. Just write a post linking to his blog review page and his homepage using the anchor text “make money,” like this:

John Chow dot com is a blog that helps you make money. He is offering a link to your blog if you review his blog.

This is an easy way to get a link back to your site from a well known blog. So visit John Chow dot Com, a very informative and entertaining Blog on how to make money.



