Sudden Groin Pain: This pain isn’t as bad as getting hit in the balls but its pretty close. It sometimes may be accompanied by swelling.
Possible Condition: You may have Testicular Torsion. Under normal circumstances testicles are attached to a mans body in two ways: by spermatic cords and by flesh anchors near the scrotum. However in some cases there is a defect and these anchors are missing which allows the spermatic cords to get twisted which can cut off the flow to the testicle. If you catch this within 4-6 hours it is possible to save the testicle but if you wait 12-24 hours you’ll probably lose your testicles. Another possibility is an infection of the epididymis.
Getting Diagnosed: In most cases you would get a physical examination which may be accompanied by an ultrasound. Antibiotics can help with infection. If your spermatic cords are twisting then a surgeon will straighten them out and create artificial anchors near the scrotum.
Severe Back Pain: This pain is similar to if you had tried to clean and tug at a very heavy shelf. However, normally painkillers, heat, or even rest don’t make the pain go away.
Possible Condition: If you are certain your pain isn’t related to an exercise injury then you may be suffering from an aneurysm. Another possible condition is kidney stones.
Getting Diagnosed: Getting injected with dye and having a CT scan is the best way of revealing the shape and size of an aneurysm. Once the size is determined it will be treated with blood pressure medication or surgery to implant a synthetic graft.
Persistent Shin or Foot Pain: This is a pain that nags at the front of the shin or top of the foot which worsens with exercises. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen provide no relief.
Possible Condition: More then likely you are suffering from a stress fracture. Bones are like other tissues within your body they constantly regenerate. However, if you are exercising so hard and so much then your bones are not getting proper time to heal. This can lead to permanent bone damage.
Getting Diagnosed: During an X-ray, radioactive dye will reveal if you have a fracture. You will be told to stop exercising until it can heal and may have to wear a cast for awhile.
Sharp Abdominal Pain: This pain would feel like a bullet in the stomach or getting knifed in the gut.
Possible Condition: This can be hard to determine because there are so many vital organs near your abdominal region. The pain could mean anything from appendicitis, pancreatitis, or even an inflamed gallbladder. Regardless in either case something has caused a blockage with your organ which can be fatal.
Getting Diagnosed: If you have pain in the lower right part of your abdomen and you have a high white blood cell count you probably have appendicitis (meaning you will have your appendix removed). If you have pain in the upper right part of your abdomen and your white blood cell count is high you probably have an inflamed gallbladder (so you will have your gallbladder removed). If its pain below your breast bone and certain enzyme levels are high then you may be having problems with your pancreas.
Transient Chest Pains: This is a heavy pain that leaves just as fast as it came.
Possible Condition: Possibly indigestion, or even a heart attack. Even if it only lasts for a short period of time it can be something very serious. Just how serious? You may have a blood clot that has placed itself in a narrow spot in your coronary artery which can completely cut off blood flow to your heart. If this is the case you may have no more then 3-4 hours.
Getting Diagnosed: A blood test normally checks certain markers for damaged heart tissue. Treatment may include a angioplasty or bypass surgery.
Leg Pain and Swelling: Your calve is extreme pain and its swollen and tender to the touch it may even feel warm.
Possible Condition: Even by just sitting in place for up to 6 hours can cause blood pools in your lower legs causing a clot. Before long that clot will be big enough to block blood flow through a vein which causes the pain and swelling. One of the first things you would probably do is rub your leg. However that is one of the worst things you can do as it can send a big clot up to your lung which could kill you.
Getting Diagnosed: A venogram would be the best way to determine if you have DVT (deep vein thrombosis). Doctors will try to dissolve the clot with drugs or place filters on certain veins to stop clots.
Painful Urination: Your urination is so painful it causes you to curse and scream and your urine has a rusty tint to it.
Possible Condition: Worst case scenario is you have bladder cancer which is the 4th most common cancer among men. Smoking is an extreme risk factor but if you catch this disease early you have a 90% of fixing the problem.
Getting Diagnosed: To diagnose Bladder cancer doctors have to go through the process of elimination. They may do a urinalysis to eliminate bugs, then they will look inside your bladder by inserting a scope. Surgery, radiation or chemotherapy will be used to remove any tumours.