Congrats to the iPod winner.

Congratulations to the winner of the iPod from the Big Bald Blog‘s contest. Oh yeah the winner was me. I was so surprised that I actually won. How sweet is that, a great way to kick off 2008. Also congrats to Jason from for taking second place.

Big Pappa I hope the contest was a success for you, according to you post it was. Thanks for running such a great contest.





9 responses to “Congrats to the iPod winner.”

  1. Deb on the Rocks Avatar

    Congrats. Don’t worry, I’m not bitter. Jealous, but not bitter. And hey, I think this means that you have to throw the first Mardi Gras party of the year or something like that.

  2. Beautiful Minds Avatar

    Great and congrats dear.. 🙂

  3. Jason - GorillaSushi Avatar

    Congrats to you – but watch you back next time…. 🙂

  4. Mitch at Money News Avatar

    Nice that's a good way to start up the new year. So.. Are you going to hack it or stay on AT&T for the service? =)

  5. Mitch at Money News Avatar
    Mitch at Money News

    Err Ipod, thought it was Iphone =P I’m getting mixed up betweens peoples contests =P

  6. Beth Avatar

    Congrats on winning. I forgot to write the post so, I of course lost. But I already have an iPod Touch and I would have just sold the newer one. But you’ll love it- let me know and I’ll help you hack the thing. Illegal? Pfft who cares. I’m a rebel.

  7. silki Avatar

    Congrats Dave. Keep it up.

    BTW, the link with the anchor text “winner” is pointing to

    Please correct that.

  8. Dave Avatar

    Thanks Silki for pointing that out.

  9. kumo Avatar

    Congratulation on winning the prize.