Increase Your Metabolism

Maximize muscle. This is simple the more muscle you have the easier it is to burn calories.

Don’t forget the cardio. Cardio is important for heart health and getting you into your target heart rate. Cardio is also great for blasting fat.

Stretch. Stretching helps your muscles to work better and enables you to isolate your body’s problem areas.

Focus on the good things. If you work on the favourite parts of your body you can boost confidence and draw attention to those areas helping you not worry about your problem areas as much. For example if you exercise your chest, arms and back it may make you more proportionate if you have wider hips.





3 responses to “Increase Your Metabolism”

  1. Joshi-Aino Avatar

    Short but powerful post. You seem to have more health related articles at your site, great! These are all themes that are interesting for men. Luckily you didn't forget about the funn stuff (The good, the bad and the ugly article was very very funny) which is also typical for men as women usually can not appreciate this kind of humor!

  2. Roko Mise Avatar

    first good article about metabolism

  3. Jan Zeitarbeit Avatar

    Sounds quite easy in theory. Actually, I’ve always had more problems with the putting the theory into action – such as “maximize muscle”…