Family Guy Quotes 4

Peter talking to the camera:…but I’ll tell you what’s not cool-killing strippers. Strippers are people too; naked people who may be willing to pleasure you for a price you negotiate later behind the curtain of a VIP room. Besides, there’s no reason to kill them, ‘cause most of them are already dead inside… Good night, folks!

Lois: Peter tell Chris that women are not objects!
Peter: Your mother’s right Chris, listen to what it says.

Brian: Peter, did you read the fine print on this loan contract?
Peter: Um, if by “read” you mean imagined a naked lady, then, yes.

Peter: Okay, okay, I have an idea. I’ll be Charlie and you could all by my angels. (Turns to look at an ugly woman) Except for you, you be Bosley.

Lois: Good, I don’t have to cook.
Peter: Oh, no, go ahead and cook anyway, Lois, and we’ll throw it out. I don’t want you to get rusty.

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