Become More Healthy Tips 81-90

81. Put a sign on your fridge and cupboard: “Closed after dinner.”

82. Brush your teeth after meals to remind yourself: No more food. Not only will it lessen your urge to eat you’ll have nice looking teeth.

83. When you eat, eat. Don’t read or play at the computer. Focus all your attention on your food.

84. It isn’t the time of day that makes you gain weight 100 calories at 10 in the morning is the same as 100 calories at 10 at night. It’s how many calories in total you eat that determines whether you gain or lose weight.

85. Remember that just because it says fat free it may not be good for you. Compare nutritional information and make informed dieting choices.

86. Never skip breakfast. It will slow your metabolism and leave you feeling cranky throughout the day. You’ll more then likely binge later because you’re hungry.

87. If you are absolutely starving and have no choice but to turn to a vending machine pick the nuts.

88. If you are feeling tired in the afternoon skip the cup of coffee and reach for a cup of yogurt. The yogurt will give you a sense of fullness and give you vitamins and minerals coffee can’t.

89. Change up your pantry. If you use peanut oil switch to olive oil. If you eat white bread switch to whole wheat etc.

90. You may be surprised but some frozen vegetables have more nutritional value then fresh ones. Frozen vegetables also last longer.


