Adding Voice Search to Acer Liquid E

So after getting the Acer Liquid E from Rogers I noticed that Voice input was missing. After some searching I a way to install the missing apk and get voice input enabled.

  1. First you need to set the application settings to use unknown sources.
  2. Then upload VoiceSearch_21__1_.apk to the phone.
  3. Once the file is installed you have Voice Search.
Dropbox QR code

I used the Dropbox Android app to get the file into my phone.

Update: I have just found away to enable voice dictation, follow this link. There is two files to download and install to the phone.





5 responses to “Adding Voice Search to Acer Liquid E”

  1. Puleen Patel Avatar

    The voice dictation piece works but isn’t entirely integrated with email the way it comes out of the box on Android 2.1. If you look at Nexus One when you load up the keyboard after pressing a text field, the keyboard has a “MIC” icon which lets you use voice to write your email vs. typing the email out.

    The Liquid makes it challenging as the Voice feature isn’t enabled, atleast on the Rogers version it isn’t enabled. Major FAIL on part of Acer and Rogers.


  2. Dave Avatar

    I think it had something to do with out bilingual country. But I found another hack to get the “MIC” into the keyboard.

  3. G dog Avatar
    G dog

    just hit it with a hammer

  4. Gary Smith Avatar
    Gary Smith

    BetterKeyboard will enable the microphone key…

  5. USB 3G Avatar

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