Month: December 2009

  • Sexy Sunday 112

    Leah Remini Leah Remini is that one really loud Italian chick. She is old enough to have been on “Cheers”, yet young enough to come in at number 12 on Maxim’s top 100 sexiest women in the not to distant past (2002). She was in the movie “Old School”. The daughter of an asbestos company…

  • How To Prevent Your Partner From Cheating

    Many relationships at some point are confronted with the issues of infidelity. Don’t let it go that far. Do something before it happens.

  • Sexy Sunday 111

    Winona Ryder Ranked Number 42 on Empire magazine’s Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time, in 1997, and one of People magazine’s 50 Most Beautiful People, that same year, Winona Ryder is a two-time Academy Award nominated actress. However, despite her impressive film career, Winona’s personal life has eclipsed it in terms of notoriety. She’s…

  • Protect Your Heart and Live to 100 Tips 91-100

    91. Swallow phytosterols and phytostanols: These substances are derived from pine trees. They can lower your bad cholesterol levels by 10-15%. 92. Buy OJ fortified with calcium: Increasing your calcium intake can reduce your blood pressure. The vitamin C will also lower your risk of dying from heart disease up to 40%. 93. Eat pumpkin…

  • Getting Beyond “He Said/She Said”

    The term, “He said/she said” is often heard in the unfortunate case of rape.  In this situation the term applies to the fact that when there is little factual evidence on which to base a decision the jury is left trying to determine who’s story they believe and the case becomes one of her word…

  • Become More Healthy Tips 91-100

    91. If you are worried about trans-fat in peanut butter there’s good news. A study done on popular brands like Skippy, JIF, Peter Pan and a supermarket brand found that they had less then 0.5 grams low enough for them to legally claim zero trans fat. They also contained only 1 gram more of sugar…

  • How to Forgive AND Forget

    We have heard the saying many times that, “It’s easier to forgive than to forget,” but the truth is that unless you are capable of forgetting you never really forgive.  Forgiveness is the act of excusing someone for their offense but unless you are also willing to forget their transgression you aren’t truly forgiving them. …

  • Protect Your Heart and Live to 100 Tips 81-90

    81. Add Vitamin E: Vitamin E combined with blood thinners can reduce the plaque in your arteries by up to 80%. 82. Beat the heat with cold grapes: Eating cold grapes can provide you with artery protection similar to when you drink a glass of wine. 83. Ditch fad diets: When your weight fluctuates it…

  • How to Fight Fairly

    In any relationship worth having conflict is bound to arise.  The true test of the relationship is whether or not you feel that it is worthwhile to resolve these conflicts and if you are able to do so in a fair and objective way.  Key elements to fighting fairly include sticking to the issue at…

  • Sexy Sunday 110

    Bjork Born in Reykjavik, Iceland, Bjork was involved in music from an early releasing an album at the age of 11. She quickly bored of classical music studies and jumped in and out of punk bands through her teens, before joining the well-regarded underground bands KUKL and later the Sugarcubes in the 80s. Bjork’s unique…